Thank You

Artist Bailout would not be possible without the generous support of the following volunteers, institutions and sponsors. Thank you!

Atwater Crossing
Ava Bromberg
San Antonio Winery
Echo Park Film Center
Angels Gate Cultural Center
Marshal Astor
Get Your Sh*t Together
Jennie Cooks Catering
Jean-Paul Leonard
Vera Brunner-Sung
Bob Tower
Monica Howe
Lee Conger
Liz Fichsback
Megan Hobza
Heather Anacker
Lily Kurosaki
Mitch Tavera
Wesley Pacleb
Nicholas Klemek
Dana Joy Helwick
Megan Gold
Sarah McCabe
Trader Joes
Sony Pictures Entertainment
The James Irvine Foundation
Sunday Soup
All the Patrons who attended
All of the Artist Participants